
Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Fun-ness

Phew! If I waited one more day, I'd be only a weekly poster! How sad is that?

I still have a lot to get figured out with this blogging thing. I really really really want to redesign. Already. Plus I need to brainstorm new content. Plus I want to integrate photos. Plus I want to create buttons to start swapping with other blogs. Good thing I'm only taking one class this summer!

For now, enjoy some stuff I stumbled upon (ironically without the aid of StumbleUpon) this week. Some of it may be old news to you, but humor me. :)

Dance mix generator. Supply a phrase and you can "customize your own 'Barbra Streisand' song." I have fun plans for this. I'm pretty sure this will rival Wordle as my favorite way to celebrate a finished paper/presentation.

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries
Not a super great adaptation of P&P (I mean, who really needs another one), but I find the concept and execution hilarious. Especially all the fake Twitter accounts for the characters. I may just have to join Twitter now. Oh, and Jane Bennet has a Pinterest account - LOVE.

P.S. I just realized that the kerning of one of the fonts in my title graphic is awful. Thank you, web developer boyfriend; fonts will never be the same. Did I mention I want to redesign?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Unknown

It's pretty fantastic when God speaks even through the incredibly mundane tasks of graduate school life, like reading for coursework. I came across this the other day:
The nature of serfdom was encapsulated in Bracton's saying that the serf does not know today what his lord might order him to do tomorrow. (Paul Freedman, Images of the Medieval Peasant, p. 84)
How true is that? We never quite know what God will ask of us tomorrow. The season I'm in right now is one of having to walk by faith. I can't plan my future step-by-step right now, there are way too many unknowns. I'm so used to having Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, etc. for my life, that to stop now and live one day at a time and leave the future for the future is incredibly difficult. He is a good Father and His plans for me are good. Can I trust that they are good even though they are unknown? I'm so used to being fearful of those things that I don't have figured out. I have to learn that the unknown is not a bad thing. In fact, because the unknown is completely in His hands, it is in fact a very good thing. I have no control over it. I have no way to manipulate it. It is entirely His right now. That should be an exciting comfort. Who knows what tomorrow brings? He does, and I can be content with that.

Monday, April 16, 2012

On theology (part 1)

In my experience, really good theology is rarely taught from the average American pulpit. Theology tends to be cordoned off to a Sunday school class or a seminary program. The problem with this is that theology is really important, nay critical to spiritual growth. Why? Theology is, by definition, the study of God. In order to grow in relationship with God, we must strive to know Him better. That of course requires that we study Him, that we inquire of His nature. To claim that we have an intimate relationship with our God and yet hold beliefs that are contrary to His revealed truth is hypocrisy. Granted, the study of theology takes time. We will never be able to know God in His fullness in this mortal life. We will get things wrong. But we are called to disciple the nations and since a key part of discipleship is leading and training  them in the truth, we cannot treat theological training as an optional "expansion pack" for the Christian life.

To be continued...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Breaking the stress cycle

I don't think that there is any such thing as a stress-free life. But no one would argue that certain levels of stress are just downright unhealthy. Thankfully, the stress in my life is not unbearably high, yet I'm still struggling with it. Part of the problem is that I haven't learned how to take care of my health in a consistent fashion. When I'm stressed things like sleep and eating take a hit. I stay up until 2 in the morning, I eat small meals off-schedule, I procrastinate going to the grocery store, I don't exercise... And what was a little stress now becomes a lot of stress because my body can no longer handle it.

So, it's probably time for me to wise up. Over the past few years, I've learned the skill of saying "no" to too much activity. Now what's needed is the refining of my current lifestyle. If health is really a priority for me, then I should live like it is. I'm in the process of creating baby steps that I can handle. This week it was cutting back on sugar. Goodbye chocolate milk for breakfast. :( If you know me, you'll know how big a deal that is. Hmm... We'll see how this goes!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I've broken the cardinal rule of blogging already (the "write consistently" one). My excuse - I had an emotionally exhausting week. A good week when it all comes down to it, but a tough one nonetheless. It feels so appropriate that it was during Holy Week, too. Easter comes and our hope is restored. He is making all things new.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What inspires me...

When I think about inspiration, I first think of the feeling of home. I don't mean my home back in Missouri or my home here. I mean the feeling itself, the anticipation of my heavenly home, the delight of my earthly homes. It's the feeling of being blessed, the euphoria of knowing where I belong, who I am and who I belong to. This feeling is always connected with worship in some way, but it doesn't occur just when I'm dwelling in God's presence.

Here are just a few things that have inspired me, that have given me that sense of home:

1. My friends and family

2. My favorite place in the world (well, one of them):
England 2007 (view from Warwick Castle)

3. One of my favorite opportunities:
I got to participate in this program my senior year of college. I am so thankful that I did. Amazing people, great cities, and inspiring ideas. The year I participated, the theme was "The Idea of the University."

4. A few of my favorite words:

A THING of beauty is a joy for ever: 
Its loveliness increases; it will never 
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep 
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep 
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
- John Keats, Endymion 

[No, I have not yet read the whole thing.
Don't worry, it's on a to-do list somewhere.]

What inspires you?